Photography Tips

This is a list of tips that I wish someone would have shared with me when I first began my photography journey. 

Lighting Matters

The light is super important to the quality of the photograph. I find the perfect light conditions to be early morning and late afternoon.

Nature comes to life at first light! The birds wake up singing, squirrels run across the yard, deer drink from the pond, and birds are at every feeder. 

During the golden hour of the evening when the sun is low, I take most of my photographs. I find evening light to be soft and flattering, even the shadows are soft. 

Photographs during mid-day have a harsh brightness and tend to have shadows I find difficult to edit.

Write It Down

When you come across something that makes your photography better, it is good to write it down. I use a notebook to record notes on what I find helpful. Whether it is a camera setting, wildlife observations, or just the time of day, I write everything down. 

What is helpful for one person may not be the same for you. Your notes will relate to your experiences, your equipment, and your environment. 

Your notes will be different from everybody elses!

Find Your Muse

 Photograph a subject that inspires you!  I find birds fascinating for different reasons and tend to focus on a particular species until I feel satisfied that I have captured what I see in my mind. The fiery red of the Northern Cardinals’ feathers, with their bright orange beaks, are dramatic and eye catching. The long, graceful necks, and giant wings of the Great Egret and the Great Blue Heron  invoke a feeling of awe. Watching them stalk their prey in the pond and preen as they sit in the sun holds my attention for hours. 

Find what inspires you!

Be Patient

Wildlife doesn’t wait for you. You have to be patient enough to wait for the moment to unfold in front of you. 

Envision the Shot!

Think about the lighting you want, the colors you want to capture, 

Get Creative

A camera can convert the mundane into something magnificent if you can be patient. See the beauty in simplicity and turn it into your own work of art!

Practice Makes Perfect

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t take perfect photographs, just keep practicing. It doesn’t matter if you delete every photograph at the end of the day, the more you practice, the better you will be for your efforts. 

Don't Be Afraid to Try

Don’t be afraid to put your photographs out there. They don’t have to be perfect to be enjoyed by someone! Every eye captures something different. Don’t compare your work to anybody elses. Art is subjective. You can create something beautiful no matter your age, experience, or what equipment you have.